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    OT, but wow: "Mr. Obama repeatedly lost patience with the speaker as negotiations faltered. In an Oval Office meeting last…
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  • At first glance, I thought you wrote, "Then he can resign and become a distiller hobbyist."
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  • Whether the administration is doing this with full knowledge that Boehner can't deliver is an interesting question, but they'd make…
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  • I got the idea from this TPM story from Dec 17: After meeting at the White House for 45 minutes…
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  • I was about to say it's better than a fight while in line for a pizza, but honestly, it isn't.
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  • That would be a real disaster.
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  • There was some noise right after the election about Obama taking his initiatives on the road, that is, in public…
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  • I don't want Chuck Hagel to be our next Secretary of Defense Oh?  Any particular favorites, then?  Both in terms…
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  • What bothers me in what I've been reading (TPM and etc) is that Obama offered the chained CPI deal to…
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  • Ergo, America is over run by sociopaths.
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  • That's how I've always read it.  That, plus that a professional armed police force is essentially a domestic standing army,…
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  • "Everyone's favorite Kool-aid drinker?" I didn't realize you were such a hit on the innerwebs.
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  • Very helpful, thanks.  I don't know where my kid falls into the spectrum, and the use of "gifted" in this…
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  • You're right.  I don't want to get into any pissing matches with others here, but imo it's abusive to rate…
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  • And if there's anybody less likely to do such a thing, it's those same people.
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  • This is a little creepy, too.
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  • Wow.  Thanks to both of you for this discussion.  I was totally unaware of any of this info, but very…
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  • Most of them probably won't watch the speech.  They'll get the soundbites over Hate Radio with the parts where the…
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  • Here's the link to C-Span's archive of the speech.  It says the vid's not embeddable.  The President begins speaking near…
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  • If that's where this is going, then I'm all for Hagel, too.  At the end of the discussion, whichever pick…
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