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    It's being reported that John Bolton promised the president that he would not start any wars if he was given…
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  • Fortunately, we can count on the Republicans in Congress to rein in his excesses should he well and truly melt…
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  • I was about to write a congratulatory note on "grim waiter," but you got there first.  If that's original, it's…
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  • Good to see you back.  I'll try to step up my contributions.  Can't do much and can't do it every…
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  • Can't blame you for wanting to get away. I'd take a break from the planet if it could be arranged…
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  • States that can't certify their results up to a reasonable federal standard shouldn't be allowed to cast votes in the…
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  • Gold mine for Twitter, too.  Seems like not even a year ago I was reading all over the place how…
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  • I was struck similarly, but it'd been so many years since I'd seen or heard him speak publicly that I…
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  • It highlights a secondary issue that people should care about but would probably be a non-starter:   If I'm not…
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  • Along with basic skills and critical thinking, don't forget a strong Civics curriculum.  Everyone's used to being told that it's…
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  • "It's going to be up to Congress to lead." The 21st Century update to the "nine most terrifying words in…
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  • Ryan was a weak leader from the word go:  He tried to assume a tough stance with the GOP House…
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  • Maybe from the sidelines it seems a lot easier than it is, but it sure looks like a scenario that…
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  • Obama wasn't the solution to the problems that Bush gave us, but he put us back on a probationary sort…
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  • The truth seems to be that the U.S. military and president jointly created fake news and it is without doubt…
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  • I see a third possibility here, which would be unthinkable in normal times but in keeping with the current leadership:…
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  • I just poked my head in here for maybe the 3rd or 4th time in 2 years--got too busy with…
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  • Nothing here.  I'm only commenting because it just occurred to me that things like having Superbowl traditions might happen or…
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  • I think you may be overlooking the magnitude of Clinton's personal unfavorability ratings.  She has a hard base of voters…
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  • Quick little suggestion:  have links open in new tabs.  I have Waterfox set to do that in general, but apparently…
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