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    Ok. Can you define "electability" for me. Because I have no idea what it means. And can you roughly place…
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  • This is a long way of saying that electability should inform your decision. My problem with your argument is that…
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  • it's hard to believe that anyone will remember what Nancy Pelosi People will remember what Nancy Pelosi said about impeachment,…
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  • Exactly. Nancy Pelosi didn't need to make any categorical statement on impeachment. When she said "I'm going to give you…
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  • The system was set up that way. Not really. The system was designed with an explicit mechanism for removing the…
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  • The fundamental problem that we are debating is whether a president is above the law. Personally I agree, impeachment is…
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  • The last two words in her actual sentence, and bipartisan, corrupt the whole message. Exactly. Pelosi's argument may serve her…
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  • I agree that Netanyahu is trying to split the electorate with his fearmongering, but he's been walking down this path…
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  • It appears to be going well for them. No, it doesn't. Jewish Americans remain one of the most reliably Democratic…
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  • or that he just announced that Israel isn't really a country for its Arab citizens. Actually, we are talking about…
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  • Unfortunately, Trump is the voice of reason compared to members of Congress like this guy. During a different private conversation…
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  • Personally, I'll be surprised if Biden finishes in the top three. I honestly have a hard time even answering the…
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  • I'm not going to suggest that Donald Trump doesn't love his family I will. "I mean, I won't do anything…
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  • <blokquote>Right-wing liberals like him To be clear Douthat is a conservative Republican who would have been quite comfortable in a…
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  • I think you still need to work on your understanding of the working class because They're beginning to lose their…
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  • Finally, if you're just going to lie, then why ask the National Security Council to come up with your lies?…
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  • I don't remember Caddell's work for McGovern or Carter or Biden, but I do remember him for this" One and…
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  • If this is what you guys consider a failure on the Democrat's part, I'll be happy to have a few…
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  • I don't agree with your premise. The planet is facing a serious threat and politicians have been kicking the can…
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  • Republicans shouldn't expect air traffic controllers to wait 35 days to start calling in sick this time around. They've made…
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