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    You are a wrong person if you think that what is happening in Libya is the US spreading freedom, rather…
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  • This isn't smoke and mirrors.  This is just the fog of war. I don't know a single soul whom I…
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  • Arab Spring isn't optional.  Popular uprisings had already overthrown two governments, including the country where a quarter of the world's…
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  • OK then. Skepticism and level-headedness are wise reactions to good news.
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  • And by "more," they mean "invade, occupy, install a client state, and maintain a long-term military presence." I see conservatives…
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  • Whether Libya becomes a democracy or not isn't our call.  It isn't our mission. The UN Protective Mission we're involved…
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  • No, we can't be out front in any way. All we can do is follow the lead of the locals.…
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  • I forget, did you raise concerns like this when the people of Tunisia and Egypt overthrew their dictators? This isn't…
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  • Palin : Politics :: Zsa Zsa Gabor : Film. People love her.  She's huge.  Big fan base, major celebrity. I…
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  • Santorum: "Yes, does the climate change? Of course it does, it's changed for thousands of years." Thousands. Not millions.  Not…
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  • I think you've got it backwards.  Changes to the structure of Medicare, Social Security, or Medicaid would be harder to…
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  • You seem to be confusing two points: the coherence of the message coming from the Republican Party, and the effectiveness…
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  • It's not $600 billion in cuts to Medicare providers in the trigger.  It's $600 billion in cuts to domestic spending,…
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  • " if what we accomplished in 2008" ...led to the passage of the most ambitious legislative agenda of any President…
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  • Polls consistently show that public employees unions are popular. Look at what's happening in Wisconsin and Ohio. I think Walker…
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  • You're confusing the response of GOP partisans and movement conservatives with the general public.
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  • The response on the front page of Daily Kos is...wait for it...to attack Obama for also saying we should cut…
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  • That explains so much.
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  • I don't get it; why do the Bushies want to kneecap Perry?
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  • No, not "agreed with them."  "Agreed to make a deal."  In a deal, a compromise, the other side gets some…
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