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    Like I said, Who knows? But there are a number of stories about this sort of thing you can see…
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  • CNN now has a story about ISIS in the States and their ability to initiate attacks here. One person thinks…
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  • "One thing that Congress must find out is who exactly has the CIA been arming. " We can always dream…
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  • I don't think troops can help here. First we are a day late and can't make it up. More importantly,…
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  •  "it's a two sided media circus and (2) no Vichy Democrats are on the committee" Yes, it will be a…
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  • The answer to your question is obviously NO! We should have a name for it, like the Empire Syndrome. Watch…
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  • A hundred and fifty years later and some think the south should rise again. Will it ever end?
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  • Where there is money, someone will find a way to get it. No pipeline, then ship it by rail. Already…
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  • I agree. He is a known bully who takes offense at even a question he dislikes and uses the opportunity…
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  • I would love to get into many of those things in more detail, but just a few. There are a…
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  • I think there needs to be a full employment program and likely another stimulus or other program to accomplish that.…
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  • I mostly agree but I think there is a structural component to the election. The congressional seats have been gerrymandered…
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  • These guys simply can't be this stupid either here or in Europe. The plutocrats want to ensure their wealth in…
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