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    Damn it. It really bothers me that Arthur Gilroy knows how to do something and I don't (namely, embed images).
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  • I can be. One of the greatest books I've ever read: https:/images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/510h07RcjyL.jpg https:/images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/510h07RcjyL.jpg
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  • You guys all know that Ian Kershaw's landmark two-volume Hitler biography is called Hubris and Nemesis, right?
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  • The "no collusion" line has been overrun. No it hasn't, because -- like "fake news" or "drain the swamp" --…
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  • In a fucking heartbeat. Like, before I even finished reading the sentence.
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  • There's enough residual Trump anti-Cruz rhetoric to take him down. Trump doesn't have to say another word.
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  • Slate saying the Cohen revelation is no big deal because it's "not a crime" to approve of an upcoming meeting.
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  • Yes, thank you. I realize you got this next part, but I want to emphasize it: I'm saying that they…
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  • Yes, a lot of stupid people were actually convinced that President Obama faked his birth certificate, was a secret Muslim,…
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  • For Christ's sake, who's "underestimating" Trump? Certainly nobody here. You're so simple-minded in your thinking that you can't get your…
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  • I think it's the figure he cuts -- the strange clothes; the unkempt appearance; the coarse language; the obscure "intellectual"…
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  • How am I "conned"? I'm saying he's like Tony Soprano or one of his associates (like the City Councilman played…
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  • I honestly think Trump believes that's all just normal "business" stuff that "everybody does," that he's being singled out about…
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  • Respectfully, I don't understand how these move the needle. It's the same thing I and others have been saying all…
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  • Agreed, and thank you. When Putin says that Mueller is full of shit and there's no collusion -- even given…
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  • Responding to the previous thread as well as this one: I don't see how people can possibly believe that Trump…
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  • I actually think it's vastly better. I was genuinely terrified after November 2016 -- I was afraid we were on…
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  • They more they attach themselves to this shit, the heavier their burden later on when we've rid ourselves of this…
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  • Yeah...I didn't like her voice. That's very important.
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  • Because nobody's set up for this. It's exactly the same problem as with Hitler (yes, Hitler, that's Hitler, H-I-T-L-E-R; anyone…
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