
    Well, one thing: the cost of higher education is not rising because college professors are getting paid more.  We've barely…
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  • Something along the lines of "comity," I expect. But I am not at all happy about it.  One of the…
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  • And let's see... How well's that working out for him?
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  • not to "understand" it. I read it in sort of a zen way, just letting the words evoke feeling rather…
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  • (Posted in an Open Thread on dKos; thought it more relevant here.) The other day there was a story in…
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  • my mother was a staunch Wisconsin Dem.  Raised in South Texas, which in those days was Democratic, so it was…
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  • But we are largely frozen out, now, so we're a little less guilty.  When we were running things, there was…
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  • I thought it was me, like maybe they didn't like me anymore.  (I know that this is still debatable, but…
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  • He has those impossibly elastic lips and a tongue that, well, just astonishes. He can make sounds that ordinary mortal…
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  • I'm really torn; it's a tough call:   Is Cheney "a moron, an idiot or a nefarious bastard"? I think…
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  • it gets cold and they have to heat those ugly bastards; add that to the 45 minutes they need to…
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