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    WOW Bob - that's some picky bullshit. The difference in saying Instrument Flight Reference and Instrument Flight Rules is absolutely,…
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  • I posted this elsewhere. If anybody can explain it reasonably - I'm all ears. Regardless of what is presented, I…
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  • "The left was never particularly great at representing middle American values, especially when they stood in the way of progress…
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  • Let me fix that headline for you: Wanker: David Brooks. Just drop the "of the day" because it basically never…
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  • I can tell you that my Evangelical brother and his wife stayed with me last Summer. I was stunned at…
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  • Your headline is waaaay too long. It should read: Trump is an Idiot
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  • "Trump Can’t Blame His Briefers for his Coronavirus Response" Ahhhhh - sure he can. The headline should be: Trump Has…
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  • My guess is that Trump and co. are now assuming that no amount of cheating and lying can get them…
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  • "Richard Burr could probably use some friends right now, and this report isn’t going to help in that respect. For…
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  • "He might have understood that the best political protection available would come from getting ahead of the pandemic before it…
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  • "Ever Get Tired of Republicans Tut-Tutting the President’s Behavior?" YES. And not just the Collins, Grassley types. Republicans I know…
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  • Of course, this really isn't Trump's fault. I thought from the beginning that Trump never believed he would be president.…
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  • "I don’t know why he decided to stick his neck out this time. But I do know that he deserves…
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  • "Despite Mitt Romney, Trump is Acquitted" Despite Mitt Romney? As if one vote had any chance of changing anything? As…
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  • "I hope this at least somewhat resembles the future." It doesn't and you clearly aren't paying attention. Senator Hawley is…
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  • "It was easy to say that the president shouldn’t be convicted over a blow job. It’s a lot harder to…
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  • WOW, Biden is stupid. Wasn't he VP for 8 years while Republicans pissed in President Obama's face at every opportunity.…
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  • I note that this discussion hasn't addressed one of the biggest problems we face as a nation - that fact…
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  • So - what have you guys got against Piggly Wiggly? You are associating them with Trump for some reason.
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  • My guess is that this is the tip of the iceberg (again). The remade up crap and lied about Hunter…
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