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    🙂 (btw, I don't mind the sexy...er serious talk ... 🙂
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  • We're all here tonight -- woo hoo -- just straggling over from that 100+ cafe. NDD and d are talking…
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  • You're way good at this tantalizing stuff ... 🙂 I'll go pop up a new cafe -- brb.
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  • Do you need a fresh one? I love surprises -- of the good, flower-y blooming, pink kind. 🙂 I hope…
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  • Make it easier to load ...? Not sure how late everyone's staying, so let me know. I see you've answered…
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  • Things are cooling down here ... Had a bit of rain earlier. I hope you can get to sleep soon.
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  • Shouldn't that prevent the whole frosty ball thing ... 😉 Sorry to hear you're still a little blue. Are you…
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  • What a great thing to have started ... 🙂 nt
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  • It's good to see you ... excuse me while I give you some smoochies ... {{{:*}}}. Okay, now that's out…
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  • That's when you call dibs ... Or you're so satiated from your occupations that you fall asleep immediately ... 🙂
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  • I could say something along the lines of only if you're not too preoccupied to notice them ... 😉 I…
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  • Angle the fan ... sleep naked ... break out the ice cubes ... See there's options.
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  • But I thought I'd go and check the weather nerd links to see what our forecast was going to be…
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  • Interesting ... 🙂 Your farm spontaneously combusted?! (I think I'd rather be an instigator than a ditch-digger ... wouldn't you?)
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  • That's what it was like. Okay ... you're right. It's going to be 86 wed and 88 thu, prob w/…
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  • It was the kind of heat that catches your breath ... After being inside the a/c'ed work all day, when…
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