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    How was that for super positive. 🙂 The real answer is no -- I'm using your toothpick-eyelid trick right now.…
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  • Hello Andi, Psi, refinish, FM, CG ... Andi, love Wicked Wednesday! Nice one FM ... 🙂
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  • Have a fabulous rest of the week. Enjoy and don't work too hard! 🙂 Good night K ... I'm off…
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  • I did like the bug ... 🙂 Have a good night knuckle ... talk to you later!
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  • Many a night I thought my bladder would burst ... 🙂
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  • Pre-screen for your fish ... That's so wonderful! And that's a very nice looking setup -- do they have fish…
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  • We are not worthy ... 🙂
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  • You should have stopped at the 55F ... and left off the hot chocolate and jacket and down sleeping bag.…
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  • It's sort of mandatory to own, have watched gazillion times, and be able to spout lines from the movie up…
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  • Think good thoughts -- think of sweet peas ... 🙂 Are you cooling down now b/c it's night?
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  • Tired but content ...
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  • Ane we want juicy ones ... 🙂
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  • I don't we'll get any good stories tonight ... IVG's not around 😉 ... How are you today/tonight?
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  • Still reading stuff ... So, what wonderful and exciting things did the exBNF get up to today?
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  • Just trying to catch up on all the reading! Did you watch the all star game?
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  • Especially if you're getting dragged into it ... Could you do me a favour and check your email.
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  • How are ya?
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