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    Hoping it all works out w/ the doggies ... And you could always try googling for the VCR hook up…
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  • Isn't is just a matter of plugging the right coloured end into the matching bit on the unit? LOL ...…
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  • I had a pre-migraine h/a this evening, but I caught it early enough and it seems to have gone away.…
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  • Did you ever get your VCR hooked up to your new system?
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  • They're coming Wednesday ... fingers crossed.
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  • Did you see my comment about NDD's mallow -- he didn't believe me!
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  • Yes I just commented over in the last thread ... but I'll post it here for you: ---- definitely what…
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  • LOL ... Things have cooled down here -- had rain tonight. But like you, it's going up to the 30s/90s…
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  • Having some ac probs, so a little hot and muggy ... makes for uncomfortable sleeping. I was sorry to hear…
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  • You're right CG ... I think the last time was while you were studying for that exam. Cool shoe pix…
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  • I just opened a fresh cafe so should be easier on the dial-uppers ... 🙂
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  • Be right back.
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  • IIRC ... How it would work w/ Rolly. I think I had read that Pepa was sticking close by you…
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  • No wonder you were gone for so long ... 🙂 Did you like it? More sweet pea ... 🙂
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  • I was hoping you'd pop back in after your rain break. How are you? {{{{{{{IVG}}}}}}}} Big squeezes cause I haven't…
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  • How are you this evening/morning? 🙂
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  • Have a good day tomorrow ... 🙂
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  • I'm here to witness IVG's comment to you. Sounds like a story w/ lots of potential ... LOL. Hope you're…
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  • That's nasty knuckle ... and I'm not really partial to pitbulls. I'd have to agree w/ you on the outcome!…
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