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    I never even got to talk w/ any of you ... You had me working all night. Good luck tomorrow…
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  • link.
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  • pointed on the tips, plus the veiny leaf appearance ... link
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  • Sorry ... this is the link: red osier dogwood
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  • red osier dogwood another link  A deciduous, many-stemmed shrub 3'-19' tall. Leaves opposite with prominent lateral veins that curve toward…
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  • I love these flowers -- if I was a little green spider, I'd definitely want to hang out on a…
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  • This is driving me crazy(er) ... 🙂
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  • That is amazing ... the last one is spectacular! I LOVE it ... 🙂
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  • or post ...
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  • Come on and hang out w/ us here ... forget the front page! 😉
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  • Good to see you jumping into the pond tonight. 🙂
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  • Did you freeze the raspberrties like SN suggested?
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  • Are they po b/c you're posting? I saw your lovely flowers in another (previous) cafe ... 🙂
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