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    Didn't mean to leave you off the list -- never sure who is here and who isn't .... 🙂 I'm…
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  • What a beautiful place to live -- and a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing this with us.
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  • Gentleness succeeds better than violence. ~Jean de la Fontaine peace
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  • Left a good night a couple comments below. I've given up on the mystery plant for the night ... but…
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  • So the virtual bouquet thing worked then ... LOL. I think I better get to bed! It's almost 4am here…
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  • See IVG ... I told ya we were all missing you ... 😛 It's too late now, you're stuck w/…
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  • Now you need to develop the next steps ... Put some thought into how you might actualize here ... maybe…
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  • That's not just cool -- that's supercool!
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  • LOL ... It may not be tonight, but we'll figure it out! I won't let us be bested by a…
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  • Sometimes moment by moment ... (I'm trying not to gush over you btw ... but I'm very happy to see…
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  • I'm getting frustrated ... 😐 I'm happy to hear that you're better, but I'm not sure I believe you when…
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  • You're not talking about the flower buds right?
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  • You're here ... {{{K}}} and excellent on your wonderful evening. 🙂
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  • Not mine ... 🙂
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  • I'm glad you had a good day. My day doesn't compare -- I spent the day in cubihell ... 🙁
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  • You must have missed it ... the nursing home one.
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