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    You've got the best of both worlds I think!
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  • Ah, green eyes and red hair ... Only the best for you d ... 🙂
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  • I keep thinking of sea sponge!
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  • So all your previous bird comments are interesting in light of how non-private those back yards are -- including the…
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  • I was trying to find you a treat too ... but this was all I could find.
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  • How are you doing tonight?
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  • So the pic above is the other side of this one? So you really did take a pic of the…
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  • What an amazing bird! And this is a great capture with the outstretched wings ... 🙂
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  • I hope you're not revealing more of your nature by linking to that article ... that dude was bad. I've…
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  • I like that railing ... was that bird on the other side of the privacy screen?
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  • Indy's got me convinced that it's a good thing for everyone to know. 🙂 Here's a how-to,  but take a…
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  • Sharing makes it better ... 🙂
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  • That looks soooooooooooo good! Thank you thank you thank you! :* (PS. Can you do that cherry stem thing? 😉
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  • ...but you guys seem to have done it!
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  • Well if the birds and squirrels are eating them then they're not falling on the ground making a mess right?
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