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    How was your first day post-marking?
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  • How's it going. Have you got your ice cream ready?
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  • Love that colour of rose.
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  • It's cold here today and tomorrow too. I could start a fire tonight it's so cold. Brrrrr. Good to hear…
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  • Excellent FM ... no slacking in the learning Cdn dept. 🙂
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  • How'd your day go ... I read in a previous cafe that you were staying in d/t the cold and…
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  • It sounds like it was a changing moment. {{{{{DJ}}}}}
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  • ... the original bit isn't it? Did you know there's actually two cups.
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  • .. it was specifically for the D70s ... and it was hands on, so we all had our cameras and…
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  • I immediately ran inside and showered though ... 🙂
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  • ... a bird popped on my head! It was disgusting ... LOL.
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  • Hi BF! How are you doing?
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  • But I'll expect you to be there ... 😉 So you're going to watch? Excellent! It's not on 'til 8pm…
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  • ... and I was on top of most of the info d/t Jim's and dada's excellent explanations. I'll have to…
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  • Really good ... just got back from a photo-course and some errands. Now getting set for Stanley ... 🙂 I…
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