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    Feeling better this week?
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  • Your photos are like presents ... never know what we'll get and always something spectacular!
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  • How's it going?
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  • Marianne is so much better SN ... at least imo ... 🙂
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  • ... if I say that I'm a little grateful for the pie. Don't get me wrong --- it was not…
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  • You take such lovely pix mm ... ethereal ... 🙂  
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  • I'm taking a FCH break ... Just stocked up on chocolate milk, and for today: sea salt and balsamic vinegar…
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  • So good to hear that you enjoyed yourself! If you do get a link, be sure to let us know.…
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  • Reminds me of a pineapple -- that middle bit. I've never seen a tulip tree flower before. It's amazing how…
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  • ... or is it allergies. Hope it's not a cold.
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  • You mean I'm up before you ... lol. How are doing today?
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  • I'll echo Andi --- I'd love to read a diary about your experiences w/ the state convention. And now that…
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  • Hope the day goes well for you.
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  • ... had a hard time getting up yesterday morning, and I've got an early morning meeting today -- and drama…
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  • They did say not to leave it on for >12hrs ... But I'd rather have something on my finger than…
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  • That's what I thought too. You'd think these would be more comforable than those nose strip things ...
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  • Like she's totally involved in scoping things out ...
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