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    ... but I still have to go out and move them around. So you've got another deadline tomorrow, did I…
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  • With all your lushness, you'd never notice it. Then all you'd have to do is turn on the tap ...…
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  • Hi ... 🙂 Sounds like a nice night spent enjoying the garden. Do you think it's going to rain?
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  • no chance of comeback?
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  • LOL ... 🙂
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  • Head coach just interviewed on post-game ... Yikes!
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  • Did you see those saves Ward was making? Cuh-razy. I wonder if Roloson is really injured ... like not-play-next-game injured.
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  • (and not pink 😉 ... I like the spots. That's not good -- about the dryness -- we don't want…
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  • LOL ... 😉 Hi there Emma Anne!
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  • I love Stanley ... 🙂
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  • No rain today ... quite pleasant on the outside. Got any new flower pix?
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  • Roloson just left the game ...
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  • I love that face ... 🙂 How's tricks ... did you have a good day?
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  • It's Stanley ... 🙂
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  • Whew ... that's heavy ... 🙂
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  • ... and if they lost it wouldn't feel like my heart had been ripped out and stomped on ...
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  • This is getting good now!
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  • Why do you call yourself a bach ... ? I hate bowling ... the thought of wearing used shoes is…
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