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    I think it'll be even worse xing after what happened this w/e up here ...
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  • Is it at that chocolate place? 😉 W/e was too short. Did you have fun?
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  • In the garden bed ... except for the basil, which I put in pot so that if the weather gets…
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  • It's all planted. I'm dreading tomorrow though ... 😐
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  • Did you have a good day?
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  • Your parents are very sweet together ... Thanks for popping up the links! I imagine you're all very tired after…
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  • To coin Andi's term ... Love it!
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  • Left it too long: the sun has gone away ... don't have to worry about sunscreen I guess ... LOL.…
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  • ... I guess you didn't see the evolution of dancing then.
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  • I was wondering if you walked the same path each time? And how long is it? I need some more…
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  • I love it!
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  • And lay on those sunflower petals!!! Beautiful sharp colours SN!
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  • 🙂
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  • Let the weeds have this one day IVG ... you don't want to be in pain. {{{IVG}}} What are you…
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  • An amoeba catching the rays ... 🙂
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  • How are you and the furry loves today?
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