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    ... your sense of humour. It's b/c you ate such a big bowl of ice cream just before bed, isn't…
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  • About cos engineering seeds that can't reseed. Seed savers and sharers might become more nb than we imagine.
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  • Is C like you?
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  • ... you gotta stop using that as an excuse man. 🙂
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  • ... I've ever (sorta) met ... 🙂 I really don't know how you do it w/ working all day ...…
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  • And don't worry about giving us nightmares ... we can take it. 🙂
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  • Although, you've set the bar pretty high ... 😉
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  • If it doesn't let up w/ the rain tomorrow, I'll be similarly dirtied trying to get these guys planted in…
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  • 6 hours is a long time ...
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  • And I thought it was funny b/c the def that pops up in my wordweb states: banal: Repeated too often;…
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  • dividing  great bearded iris, and and another one. Says to do once flowered, so in the next couple of weeks.…
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  • ... I can't imagine it not raining ... 🙂 Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, I'm trying to make it…
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  • banal ... isn't that a kicker ... LOL. Arums are much better than diathus IVG. I love these shots, b/c…
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  • I didn't even know what dianthus was ... And I'm not sure I've ever seen a horse chestnut in RL.
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