
    Please note, by the way, that the American Greens (for better or worse) are a decentralized political party, and decisions…
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  • I gotta nominate the Center for Voting and Democracy. They're busy promoting electoral reforms (like proportional representation) that will increase…
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  • "(The Republican, Schlesinger) hopes Lamont wins the Democratic ticket, Lieberman runs as an independent, and that they continue attacking each…
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  • Instant Runoff Voting, or IRV, aka Single Transferrable Vote, or STV--eliminates the Nader/Gore "spoiler" dilemma forever, allowing us to vote…
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  • I, personally, believe that party loyalty is a much overvalued commodity in this nation of ours.  In my own opinion,…
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  • "I've also read of how the public funding of elections tends to favor a well known incumbent who has been…
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  • "I'm a Californian, and I not only signed the petition for that sucker, I stood in front of stores on…
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  • "Not myself being perfect, I've learned not to require it in politicians, so I'm pleased to vote for (DiFi)." I…
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  • "Are you happy with your Congressperson? If not, who is running against them? Do they deserve our support?" My Senator…
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