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    I think Christie lost the ability to look like a strong leader to Republican primary voters during hurricane Sandy. Yes,…
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  • At this point, I'm like, o.k. fine. Guilty as charged. The left made a concerted effort to undermine the presidency…
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  • Well, there were Latino voters who voted Republican before Trump and maybe they just didn't have much of a reason…
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  • I thought the articles were good, but we probably need to also ask why the voters turned away from anti-monopoly…
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  • Yep. I'm not certain where to go with this. The good news is that these papers are all being written…
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  • I do think people actually pay attention - just a little - even in the Summer when conventional wisdom is…
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  • That's actually a fairly good article and it does point to the box that the left wing understanding of foreign…
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  • "Less clear is whether such a policy has any support among an American public weary of war in the Middle…
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  • So what's in it for us, this interfactional fight? I know its fascinating to watch Joe Moneybags fight Holly Roller…
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  • So I assume that there aren't going to be a lot of PSA's and pamphlets encouraging spanking and promoting its…
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  • Let's see. What will happen here. Well these are angry white people who vote republican. I'm guessing they will vote…
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  •  "When it comes to Trump's rise, no one on the right or left is faultless." Ah. I see that's their…
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  • If I were in the Chinese Communist Party, I'd point to the nonsense that the US political process has become…
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  • Yeah. I'm fine hanging Trump around the neck of the Peace Folks as well. They prefer Putin, let them sink…
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  • Please remember that even Kenneth Starr thought Wiley should be charged with perjury and he would have really wanted everything…
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  • I don't know what he was supposed to "get" to begin with? Maybe he went over to his supporters in…
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  • I'm not saying that he was a terrible candidate. I am looking specifically at these "16 Keys", scientifically derived that…
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  • Yeah. Look, I don't want to blow off negative predictions out of hand, but when I look at his "16…
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  • Heaven forbid that should he win, we'd have to deal with him for a decade. Odd, though. If we go…
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  • Yeah. My guess is that if you are minority of any sort and managed to get a promotion in your…
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