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    His close friendship with Obama and his loyal record of service in his administration is going to mean a lot…
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  • I have my doubts about whether a strategy based on flipping rural voters can break through the Fox/talk radio/InfoWars/Drudge sound…
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  • whatever makes it (even incrementally) harder to fix is bad I don't think that's true. I don't think that Tlaib's…
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  • I have mixed feelings. On one hand, the realignment in Romney-Clinton suburban communities appears to be well underway, and this…
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  • I'm no longer able to meaningfully distinguish between his Narcissism Racism Misogyny Rallying his cult freaks Live tweeting Fox Attempts…
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  • He could conceivably be acquitted in those circumstances, even though it's hard to imagine a super-minority of U.S. Senators voting…
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  • I keep coming back to a 2012 Baffler article by Rick Perlstein called The Long Con. It's about the blending…
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  • Trump can be described as follows: A) An honest-to-god Russian agent B) A reality TV show buffoon who constantly seeks…
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  • Good lord. That "adviser" in the first link is Mark Penn, who hasn't spoken to Clinton in at least 10…
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  • As far as I can tell, though, this hasn't really been as much a carefully calibrated success based on political…
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  • So far, this does not necessarily portend greater strength for the Democrats in statewide elections, because rural Pennsylvanians have been…
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  • Over the years, I've written several times about my controversial belief that it was a mistake to popularly elect Senators,…
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  • In the wake of the 2012 election, the RNC famously produced an autopsy to try to figure out how to…
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  • I've resided in Georgia for almost three years now. I'm in Doug Collins country (GA-9, R+31, most GOP leaning district…
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  • It's worth pointing out Trump is doing this is because he views public diplomacy and personal diplomacy as the same…
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  • That's really rather unfair of you; I doubt he has the cash flow to make a million dollar payment. He…
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  • Today was a good day. It's worth pointing out that Marcy Wheeler has been following the connections between Don McGahn…
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  • In 2017, Michael Avenatti was in a lot of financial trouble due to a lengthy dispute between his firm and…
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  • "Questions" should be replaced with "Coalitions"; it's the final image on the page.
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  • For strategists who are actually interested in convincing Democrats to vote for Democrats, they should examine what this group likes…
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