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    YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK CROSSDRESSER IF... You go to family reunions to meet guys. You wear a dress that's…
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  • aka Jungle Juice From my younger years in Utah: 1 20 gallon new plastic trash can (can be used for…
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  • In my younger days I preferred longer term "friends with benefits" relationships....then it would have been a face to face....AND…
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  • Added the pic to my photobucket...feel free to copy the link from there as well. img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v646/sally2cat/MiscStuff/SayNo.jpg" Just copy and…
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  • I was clueless last year also...and didn't realize that voting was by comment. I think my comment a couple comments…
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  • Went back and added a comment for Best New Blog = Booman Tribune.
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  • Click the link Identify the categories Make a list of who you like in each category Post a comment -…
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  • Best Blog - Booman Tribune Best Pro Blog:     Froomkin Most humorous series:  Cheers & Jeers by Bill in…
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  • Recommended for BooBooks: Not One More Mother's Child by Cindy Sheehan ISBN:0977333809 At Powells in Trade Paperback for $15
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  • Also Goddess of Transformation I'd suggest you just smile and say thanks for the comparison to such a wonderful Goddess...and…
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  • I am celebrating Christmas with enthusiasm at Blue Christmas 2005 We celebrate from Samhain at October 31 until Solstice and…
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  • Reward yourself in advance - get a gift certificate for a day spa massage and facial for a couple of…
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  • I posted a long comment at DailyKos and recommended here and there. At big parties it's easy to have a…
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  • Lots of support here... We are making high protein, low carb treats for the spouse this year. He's tired of…
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  • When I'm googling for patterns I'll check for gingerbread trees <and other stuff>! Gingerbread would be good for your cookies…
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  • Too late my mind went there right away!
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  • I am so glad you arrived...got the email on the e-list. Been a little crazy (obviously). Give Wesley a really…
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  • I can make those on Friday night - then they can stick them on the boards! We'll let the kids…
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  • For my annual Christmas party on Saturday I thought that it would be fun to decorate gingerbread houses with the…
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