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    My schedule is frantic until the middle of the month...and guest hosting on Solstice would be cool! Only dropping in…
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  • Good luck with the papers in studentland... We'll look for to you regularly dropping in an sharing comments with us…
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  • We are glad there are apprentice activists like you out here! Although with your experience I'd hesitate to call you…
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  • Excellent ideas! I love including the blessing of the seeds! I'll dig out some of my notes for moon planting…
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  • I must have beat you here during the early days by one or 2 days max! I miss the troll…
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  • From a soon to be 50 y/o women - outraged by Vietnam and Watergate - welcome to the Frog Pond.…
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  • Glad you came to the frog pond.... With so much going on in the world without blogs like BooTrib to…
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  • A wonderful tribute to a wonderful woman. Some of our mothers (mine is 80) and grandmothers and aunts quietly and…
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  • RL sometimes can take a toll...we are here to listen and give hugs if you need them. Besides we LOVE…
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  • Love the image but I love the garden you describe better! This winter I started my first organic veggies -…
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  • It's great that you are here....really enjoy your writing and comments. Remember the light at the end of the tunnel…
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  • Part of me is sad that the weekend is over...part of me is glad to be off the highway. Several…
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  • Wow - late to the party - but home safe from the holiday travels. What can I say I love…
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  • We also love Jerome and European Tribune! Piffle on all the rest! I only read a few things at the…
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  • The end of any administration is always interesting. The view from this side of the pond is that Blair has…
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  • Finally got a reasonable connection here in our little town of 250. (We are 30 miles from the nearest town…
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  • I prefer to think of the light as friendly dragons!
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  • Above it was clowns to the left and jokers to the right - here it's beverages to the left and…
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  • That is cool - and I can picture BooMan as Harry Potter...cute, kind of shy, smart, kind, and a reluctant…
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  • Thanks to my delightful(??) friends this is a great quiz for killing time while waiting for the Turkey to get…
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