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    Sounds like it was a good kickoff...here on the left coast we are revving up as well for some of…
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  • Hey Infidel Pig - I've been thinking about you a lot! If anyone can lead the Republicans to the light…
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  • I love home time surfing...it doesn't matter whether the sites are 'work safe'
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  • We work very hard on maintaining an open dialogue even when we disagree. As a whole the ratings system works…
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  • Geez - we thought the petticoats at the other cafe were dorky...lace gloves??? to wear while eating??? Doesn't work at…
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  • Yep - definitely dorky...but fun. We belonged to a square dance club for about 4 years...12-16 couples - lots of…
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  • I forgot what tomorrow's theme is for pre-Thanksgiving food.... I'll need to look for recipes tonight...
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  • When we travel and I'm desperate for rational information (read: end of the world locations) we stop by the local…
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  • How much time do you have to kill? Do you speak French? no I don't speak French - I just…
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  • You've inspired me and many others to think beyond our comfort level. You've made me angry and made me laugh…
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  • Potential cause of guest hostess global warming! In preparing to guest hostess I had to surf through web sites looking…
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  • I haven't worn that much in petticoats since square dancing about 10 years ago... the casual look Or....60 yds of…
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  • A list of your presents! -Leaving the red neck a$$holes behind -A really strong progressive area -A solid school system…
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  • No No No No.....I've been reading you since I started in the blogosphere a year and a half or more…
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  • Hey you didn't think I'd forget did you???? Give Wesley and Danni hugs for us....foam stomp rockets have been ordered…
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  • We won't be seeing this until early December - cause we are taking the grandkidlets for the 9 year old's…
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  • What was it with those ruffles? And they itched!
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  • We donated to Second Harvest - first to Baton Rouge for the evacuees and then New Orleans. Locally I do…
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  • I wondered where all the empty wine bottles came from... We'll need to have Booman get extra wine ordered for…
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  • Despite this amazing November whether my soul is moving into a winter mood...must have been all those years in snow…
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