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    Not at risk but I've also never had a flu shot. We just don't do them at our house...
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  • Fill a rocks glass with ice. 1 1/2 oz. Scotch 1/2 oz. Drambuie Always pour the Drambuie last to allow…
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  • Just an observation...I've met 3 women in my life that the term applied to... I'd never call you a bastard...unless…
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  • Cast of characters are the ones that first come to mind... Dear K.R. I miss our one-on-one meetings. We had…
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  • Most women are pretty sensitive about who gets the word slut applied to them. We reserve it for a separate…
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  • Thank goodness I had a grandbaby fix on Sunday... Soooo sweet we can skip dessert and nuzzle a baby neck…
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  • is the current plan...we'll see you there....
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  • I'd be willing to go to a gathering of the tribe. A huge expensive convention is not what interests me.…
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  • Although I really liked South Korea in the 1970's... Define Extreme... We're working on this list defined as extreme by…
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  • Smaller rapids for you and less steep cliffs for me... We can combine them on a hiking/rafting camping trip. Lots…
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  • Beautiful tribute... We will not forget.
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  • He was our guide and it was a particularly bouncy rapid. In the big version of the picture he's almost…
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  • I'll go with you if I don't have to be a mountain goat! It's just straight down narrow paths that…
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  • There is always a Veterans gathering in the square at 11 am in Healdsburg. We went last year...quiet, small and…
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  • For each open Democrat - there are probably a lot of closet Democrats in the suburbs. The more this administration…
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  • We just picked the dates for our June '06 vacation...if the weather is wet this year we are off to…
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  • Beautiful tribute scribe - may we never forget any of those that died in any war. May there be peace…
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  • Leftvet - and all the others - today I wrap you in my arms the way I couldn't in 1975.…
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  • This is nuclear meltdown on a major scale! Excuse me while I don't feel bad....
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  • roflmao!!!! btw - I got your book today from the BooStore and if it's half as good as the wordsmithing…
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