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    "As a woman, I have no country. . . . As a woman, my country is the whole world." --Virginia…
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  • for who they are and what they have done. Serving our country in some difficult ways is not easy. I…
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  • So, it is noteworthy when black or hispanic people get top jobs in baseball, where they have tradtionally held few…
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  • I understand giving a pass to your friend because she was embarrassed and knew she had potentially offended you. My…
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  • One vote no from hubby this morning...my no vote at 5:30 tonight!
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  • I'll go vote after work tonight...but hubby was #1 voter in our precinct this morning. It could be an interesting…
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  • Obviously I think words matter a lot...and hope that someday we won't have to have these discussions. Until then....
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  • Whatever the intent, it is apparent that several of us here found the comment racist. Like Poco - I'd like…
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  • I see the racism and sexism in almost all movies. Don't get me started on Disney movies! I also understand…
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  • I spent almost 3 years working in Richmond CA. My co-workers and the people we helped, were a person, offended…
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  • Still working on the designation of black here. Why not just say "rampaging super hero"? We don't say white doctor…
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  • Forgive my ignorance here...I don't go to movies of this type anymore and rarely watch them at home. In my…
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  • The question was posed...not what is the CIA doing it was what is Hollywood doing. Hollywood made it okay to…
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  • It's bad for Denzel Washington, it's okay for Charles Bronson, it's okay for Stallone to be Rambo, it's okay for…
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  • Quiet evening planned tonight - a quiet dinner of soup and salad, some administrative stuff for BuyBlue, a little ironing…
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  • I tried wearing my fingers to the bone on polite to ranting emails last year over David Brooks. It seemed…
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  • I've agreed with almost all of your diaries...and I'm going to step up to the plate in the world of…
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  • At the delightful age of 27 I became step-mother to 2 teenagers...14 and 16....acccckkkk....and that was the first 5 years.…
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  • check your email....or keep hanging out here and lots of us will be holding the line. The devastation when we…
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  • I'm not sure where you are located but if you need information from libraries - such as the Genealogical library…
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