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    You weren't alone when you found help via the blogs for drinking in Germany. You aren't alone now...and vicodin isn't…
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  • This special election in CA is making us all more crazy than usual. I'll be glad when this is over…
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  • Okay - I know it was the outting "in" Berkeley...LOL Navajo sent an email asking about this - since a…
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  • The really cool thing is that men mentored me to ask for raises, to be confident in my presentations, and…
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  • consistently selecting for traits that proved not to correspond to the best on-field performance. This could be an entire sub-diary…
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  • and sometimes who cares. I used to define myself as a 'socially liberal, fiscally conservative Democrat'. No more. There are…
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  • Being a feminist is a way of thinking, not a definition of career women. Some of the strongest feminists I…
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  • What beautiful pictures... Since I can't get there physically, I'll vacation in Annecy mentally at lunch today!
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  • As a career woman, I'd like to see some discussion of the perceptions between young women moving into the work…
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  • The book that I've been working with is for women. But their guidance is one glass of red wine or…
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  • You'll be pleased to know that I googled your Grandfather's name this morning and your MLW diary is at the…
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  • Good luck with the healthy eating and exercise change. Only one observation - be strict but take time to indulge…
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  • Good Morning Diane! Sitting with a some hot chocolate this morning...on a cold wet San Francisco morning. I'm glad that…
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  • Cali - I'm going to be in San Jose on Saturday 11/12 taking the grandkids to the Winchester Mystery House.…
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  • That sounds so yummy dksbook! If I could handle the politics I'd love Texas cooking! One of the happiest years…
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  • For now I'll leave you with a party basket to get things ready!
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  • It was nice to see that you stopped by Watersmeet Inn. Now off to my milk saucer.  Meooooww!
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  • Will he please crawl into his cave and be quiet??? Please??? And will someone please take Maria out for 3…
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  • Hot Mulled Cider 2-3 Cups fresh-pressed cider (or enough to fill two of your grandest mugs) 1 orange, cut into…
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  • Quietly - without the big dinner I don't celebrate with my kids because they are vegetarian. My husband and I…
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