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    It would seem from the tone of the comments here that discussion is good and that most, if not all…
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  • You did a great job too and we appreciate it. Like KP above - I recommended this diary so we…
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  • We will remember
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  • Thanks for this heads up! I wrote so many angry emails to NPR and CPB and my local PBS affiliate…
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  • It has become a way of marketing life that bodies sell. The ad is reasonably discreet and doesn't cross the…
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  • The women that have been role models for me would be my heroes. Personally - my mother. She was quiet…
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  • but since I've already had a colonoscopy....I'll pass on joining you! ;^D
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  • That is one zonked out dog! What kind is he?
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  • This one looks just like my husband's cat...
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  • On an awww scale of 1-10 those guys are a 15!
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  • Hmmm....I think I have some good stuff still hanging around...on vinyl...but it can be recorded to disk!
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  • It is from a French website with hundreds of pictures...and frogs just seemed cool today! Anybody with hours to kill....…
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  • General Critter...another frog for the site!
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  • Most excellente! A good chuckle for the end of the day!
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  • That is super cool! More happy dancing in the Boo Tribe!
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  • Wow, you have been really busy today Kansas! Coffee and treats this morning and now wine and tapas! I'll check…
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  • You can share my Mom DJ....and my mom would just having 2 more grandkids! She's 80 and as snarky as…
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  • But I do have a question- how is organic food fertilized and grown-hope its not on private property because Congress…
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  • I am so looking forward to retirement when I can have a dog. He looks just wonderful...strong and sweet! How…
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  • I know that nothing is sacred with these guys - including organic stuff. Dr Bronner, of the soap company, just…
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