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    With our money (not with out!)
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  • This is one place where we can vote with out money. In addition to buying from blue companies, we make…
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  • http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/11/3/123338/987 Recommended there as here....great info DJ
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  • Children should not have to ask about war. Children should not have to know about the evils that humankind does…
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  • The reason isn't happy but the fact that Make-a-Wish can do things and give them all special memories is happy…
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  • Excellent picture....and I love the proverbs! Standing somewhere that looks scary to Mom....another diary of pictures topic!
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  • for the next one.... I've got lots of pictures of being cranky or sulky under the age of 5.... We'll…
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  • Patience is not one of my strong points...I have faith that they are going down...just not fast enough for me.…
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  • A nice cup of coffee sounds great this morning. It's a little cold today and ready to rain this afternoon…
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  • Thank you posting the link to the history dada. I thought I knew the basics but the article had a…
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  • Safe trip home Booman. Security risk label..hmmm...you must be doing something right here! Be safe and let your heart take…
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  • Keep hanging in there...find a place with lots of trees...set out fans and a hammock for the summer months! We'll…
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  • Today is my Mom's 80th birthday.... I already posted a silly picture of her in Andif's Silliness diary....I know where…
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  • Mom age 17ish - 1942....definitely not safe bicycle riding! Today's her 80th Birthday - more details in FBC today
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  • and cry together....we'll be here thinking of you and WW's family. Holding you all in our hearts today.
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  • CCR - there's always a good time with CCR at a party!
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  • It was excellent when Wilson said he didn't understand how Rove could say he didn't know Valerie's name...they go to…
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  • Love is knowing someone is listening...they may disagree...but they will listen and trust you and hug you and still love…
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  • Fear is what kept us quiet for years in the 1950's and 1960's about birth control. It was fear for…
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  • Confessed their crimes, renounced violence and pledged... Why does the Inquisition and Witch Burning come instantly to mind? Never mind...need…
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