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    I don't think about links to your site since it's on my blogspot....I just click there each day to see…
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  • I think that goes to DuctapeFatwa...running for a local office.... I'm not running but I'm working on a local campaign…
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  • My deepest sympathies to your friends and to you. My tears and heart are with you all...from another parent that…
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  • Words hurt. We each try to walk and talk our spiritual beliefs as Pagans or witches. We understand the hatred…
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  • Working totally with trust of ourselves and trust of our partners relationships are truly different as Pagans or Witches. We…
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  • Give Danni and Wesley big hugs for me and Mr. Cat! In future years if she dresses as a witch...she'll…
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  • Thanks for sharing that wonderful piece Boudicca. I shall be saving that piece to share with others for other years.…
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  • That site is marvellous....and they sell stuff....I'm in big trouble! I'll be lost there for hours I'm sure... Thanks for…
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  • Great picture of the GG Bridge! Here near SF Bay it is cool and clear this morning. We had heavy…
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  • I agree - the Bay Area is reasonably liberal about Pagans. Being just across the bay from you in Marin,…
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  • Excellent! The night when the veil between the worlds is at it's thinnest....to honor the dead....an excellent tradition!
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  • Same shit different century. A perfectly said summary....
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  • They post this annually...I thought it would be great to share it here. Black cats...and cats in general...another diary entirely…
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  • I love Carnacki's site...and his book...and diaries.  Some of my favorite books involve witches, vampires, and werewolves...among other characters. Sometimes…
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  • Growing up in the 1960's in Utah was a safe place. We knew all the neighbors - for many blocks…
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  • Your weekend sounds much more interesting than mine...!
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  • I'm going to go home and have a glass of 15 year old single malt Scotch to celebrate. Dig out…
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  • They were trying very hard to downplay the implications. Only a few whackos like G. Gordon Liddy felt that it…
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  • Excellent!
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  • Freep the Poll while you are waiting http://www.cnn.com/
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