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    Or a broken record.
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  • If those poll numbers are accurate, it could just be that people get fed up with all the campaign ads,…
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  • Never say "can't" to an artist! Exploring David Foster Wallace's tormented mind in a road trip bromance format holds no…
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  • Goddamn. I'm surprised no one said how modest he is.
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  • I agree. What's the point? I already know which Republican I won't be voting for: whichever one they nominate.
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  • Of course Meadows is absolutely right about the inaction and atrophy. I wonder if the obvious alternative has ever entered…
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  • True enough. Well, there are really two different questions here. First, is it possible that the Republicans will nominate a…
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  • This is the same Republican party that has thrown away Senate seats in the last few cycles by nominating hate-filled…
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  • Take a closer look at the YouGov poll. If you compare Trump's favorability ratings with Clinton's, it seems pretty unlikely…
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  • This got me wondering how soon we'll have printable narcotics. Apparently it won't be long.
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  • True, but addicts are more like the people who read Adbusters.
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  • That's true, but fortunately there are some pretty strict limitations on how far this can go. One thing I've been…
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  • Count for what? You should try climbing down from your pedestal some time so you can hear what some of…
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  • Here's one thing about Jefferson. We all know who wrote these words: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that…
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  • But Jefferson never mended his rift with Washington.
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  • I agree. Personally I think there's a pretty important difference between invading and occupying a foreign country based on a…
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  • I'm not sure that it's just in the drafts. Doesn't this have something to do with equal opportunity? No Title…
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  • Amazing how the same people are all for building public infrastructure along the Mexican border. (Oh, right. Mexico's going to…
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  • Yes, the whole talking point is predicated on the idea that school choice isn't a sham. Because that's what they…
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  • The problem with Jefferson and slavery is that he kind of went backwards. He took some stands against slavery when…
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