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    I was thinking something similar. You don't really need leaders when you're dedicated to not doing anything.
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  • Jefferson was a colonizationist, so he certainly didn't see blacks as fully equal. Here's a letter, written toward the end…
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  • Do you mean MC Hamilton? I hadn't heard of it before, but I just looked it up. That sounds cool.
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  • Dude, it's the racism that's demonized as racism. Of course not everyone who's concerned about immigration is racist, but I…
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  • OK, just to be clear about this, are you saying there's an actual chance of Donald Trump being elected president?
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  • I found an article at Media Matters. This is the bullshit that Rand Paul is swallowing: New undercover footage shows…
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  • I knew it! The deal is anti-Semitic. It does seem that these bullshit charges of anti-Semitism are losing their sting,…
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  • Weigel overstates the similarities between Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. If you want to put it in terms of venn…
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  • Yes, there's a deep history here. Benjamin Franklin: The Settlers on the Fontiers of the American Provinces are generally the…
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  • Fortunately I think it's safe to say that the next election is going to end his career in the Senate.
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  • It's not a lot of detail, but there are some numbers here. Nothing about immigrants, specifically, but 74% unfavorable among…
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  • Yeah, I never understood that. I thought the whole point of being on the left was that we blame the…
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  • Meanwhile I just saw a "Stand with Rand" ad in the sidebar. "End sanctuary cities and secure the border." Coincidence?
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  • 81% unfavorable among Latinos is not getting stronger. Naked xenophobia does have an audience, obviously, but it's limited. The number…
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  • I knew it! The Bigots Rights movement! As far as just exactly how serious he is, his use of the…
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  • That's OK, Arthur. I didn't expect you to get the point.
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  • Arthur, do you not realize that many of us have listened to Rand Paul? I for one am not going…
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  • Sure, enforcement can be improved, but that really has nothing to do with the millions of indocumentados who are living…
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  • Of course, to the extent that non-Southerners do see Southerners as a bunch of racists, it has something to do…
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  • Come on Arthur, you're talking to liberals here. We're well aware that big corporations will always oppose regulations. That doesn't…
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