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    That's it? Well, I do shop at the local farmers market, for whatever that's worth. I even belong to the…
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  • OK, I'll bite. Just what sort of action are you proposing? Supposing one were to Wake The Fuck Up, what…
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  • The symbolism shifted from heritage to hate... It's not like it has to be one or the other. It's like…
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  • They are blind to the irony. "Wah! You're stigmatizing us just because we're different!" Fuck the Bigots' Rights movement.
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  • The Lincoln-Douglas debates are a good example of the minimization that Marie mentioned in her initial comment. The debates are…
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  • Well, I didn't mean to attribute that to Lincoln. I'm not even sure if I could provide a source, so…
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  • Yes, Lincoln made his position on slavery clear. He was opposed to further extension of slavery, but he would not…
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  • Of course not. Everyone knows the way to magically fix things is to type WTFU at strangers on the internet.
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  • And that document isn't even the half of it. The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader is a useful compendium. Of course,…
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  • And yet Alabama put a famous socialist on their state quarter. Go figure.
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  • He hates these cans!
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  • Do you seriously think that's what I meant?
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  • Simple question: If the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress, would it make no difference?
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  • What happens is that Congress makes itself irrelevant. A very bad precedent. I keep thinking about the movement to transfer…
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  • Hey, I was just doing that. I thought Madison's notes of the convention would be a good source. Here's a…
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  • It's as if the internet didn't even exist. You can easily find, for instance, James Madison's journals of the constitutional…
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  • LARRY--(frowns)  Forget the anarchist part of it.  I'm through with the Movement long since.  I saw men didn't want to…
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  • I think this is his ripple right here.
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  • No, this is not about hostility to police. It's a protest of something that really is happening--not the mere existence…
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  • Wasn't there something somewhere about Jeb being his own man? Anyway, I find his response kind of immature. He has…
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