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    And for Bibi a piece of cake. Or two pieces, since he wants to have it and eat it too.
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  • Nothing that happened Wednesday seems to have calmed the revolt that has dozens of Democrats considering skipping Netanyahu's speech. Revolt?…
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  • It's funny, though. As distasteful as it is, Huckabee's metaphor does make sense if you apply it to certain issues.…
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  • I think you're on the right track there. But I think we need something here that isn't just a generic…
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  • I think there's something to that. A lot of people are really stupider than they need to be. Why reasonably…
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  • How about "Real American."
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  • Thanks for the explanation. I suppose a lot would depend on the corporate charter too. If US corporate law is…
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  • A business corporation is organized and carried on primarily for the profit of the stockholders. Interesting. I think you can…
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  • More recent polling would be more useful. Whether we should allow abortions after 20 weeks is really a different question…
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  • I've also noticed that some conservatives seem to sincerely believe that they're the only ones who pay taxes. If you…
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  • That's something I think about every time I hear a right-winger say "The people have spoken." The people spoke in…
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  • Fair enough. I'm not someone who's always bashing the US, anyway. There are quite a lot of things that I…
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  • And? This is precisely why the nativists' dream of rewriting the 14th Amendment is so revolting. It's true that revoking…
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  • Republican policies always make me thing of this cartoon:
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  • Sorry, dude, but Rand Paul isn't the answer. We tried electing a right wing shithead in 2000, and look how…
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  • Yes, and Obama's frivolity does seem to be polling reasonably well. There's obviously no point arguing with a schmuck like…
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  • I got a good laugh out of Marco Rubio's bold new conservative plan to restore the American Dream--he wrote  a…
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  • And what does the endlessly serious Thiessen respond with? A taunt of his own: They should move forward with serious…
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  • Williamson's just having a nice wank, that's all.
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  • Congress, God damn it! Congress! It will make very little difference who the next president is if the Democrats don't…
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