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    There is a term for this! Try googling "zombie lies."
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  • Oh, they aren't forgotten. The fact that Marco Rubio is NOT ecstatic is an added bonus.
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  • I'd say your last point is the real key. Any prognostications about 2016 need to consider what's going to happen…
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  • Well, the question wasn't why anyone should be enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton. It was, given the choice between her and…
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  • Well, all right then. Somebody is going to argue that Sotomayor and Kagan are just the same as Roberts and…
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  • That depends at least as much on who's in Congress as who's in the White House.
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  • That's what I was going to say. Unless someone wants to argue that Sotomayor and Kagan are just the same…
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  • Perhaps, but what she's saying is really pretty basic. "Hey everybody, let's not give all our money to Wall Street…
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  • Just in time for them to take over Congress, too. I wonder how low the standards are there. Is it…
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  • No, but really. She could be more useful in the Senate. Thanks to the Republicans' abdication of their responsibilities, there's…
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  • Still, you can't blame him for being unhappy about the situation. ObamaCare does have some serious flaws, and this is…
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  • Well, there is a certain logic here. They shut down the government, and in the next election they won control…
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  • I like Taibbi, but his tone here is so cynical that he almost sounds like he's condemning Elizabeth Warren along…
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  • There's a nice parallel there. Throwing your shoes at the President of the United States is a very punk rock…
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  • Well, that's true enough. I probably shouldn't even bother reading posts like this one, because my position on Clinton's candidacy…
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  • It was around March 18, 2013, apparently. I'm not saying that as a great Clinton admirer, mind you, but it…
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  • That's not quite the extent of it. Isn't it worth noting that Zimmerman and Martin have been called thugs for…
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  • You're missing the whole point. The post is about a word, thug. Who it gets applied to and how it's…
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  • Now you're just being silly. How is it anti-white to recognize white privilege? I'm white, male, and straight myself, so…
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  • I suppose, but Dean can endorse who he likes. I'm not going to worry about the reasons. My own response…
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