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    Look, we all get that you want to deport 11 million people and make sure none of them come back.…
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  • If you really want to annoy the nativists, you can call them los indocumentados.
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  • At any rate, it's true that anti-immigrant and anti-illegal immigrant are not identical, but it's absurd to pretend there isn't…
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  • The "current slavish and unthinking kissing-up to the illegal promotion crowd"? Dare I ask what you're talking about? This is…
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  • Sounds interesting. A while back I was reading some of Sherman's letters from the start of the war, and those…
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  • I look forward to hearing them explain that they need to do this to protect the integrity of the system.
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  • It seems to me that if you want to make any projections about the 2016 election, you need to get…
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  • You could also try critical thinking. Have you ever considered that?
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  • You want to talk about too much power in one place, what would it take to deport 11 million people…
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  • Examples?
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  • Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this post was immigration. I mean, what?
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  • I can only claim to speak for one non-Hispanic white person--me--but I will say that I don't feel sneered at.
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  • I do wonder why it's only dirty energy projects that create jobs. Some strange quirk in the laws of the…
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  • What, just give up on the tar sands? For me that's the whole point of opposing Keystone XL. You may…
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  • Jobs? Really? My problem with Keystone XL is that it's stupendously irresponsible to keep investing in fossil fuels when the…
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  • Here's one way you could do it. It's more or less identical to the argument that Keystone XL will create…
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  • Of course, if you start to think about what the Dems could possibly do to lose California, one possibility would…
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  • Has anyone started a betting pool on how long the filibuster survives under the new Republican majority? I would say…
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  • Yep, that's why all these warnings about antagonizing the Republicans are so hollow. I mean, so the president waves a…
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