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    That would be another red flag, wouldn't it?
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  • Well, give her credit for not being quite as big an asshole as the guy at the Weekly Standard. Of…
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  • Meanwhile Republican leaders are very pragmatically laying plans to gut the EPA.
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  • That really is dumb. Gardner, who made inroads with Hispanics in his election, could be a point person on immigration…
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  • The reason to care about this law is that it's what we've got. Because the choice is not between the…
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  • Me too. Roberts already had a chance to gut the ACA, when the stakes were lower, and he passed.
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  • You want some racism? Try this: Go to any right-wing site. Find any post, column, or story that deals with…
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  • Don't be an idiot. I'm glad you were able to find some results that you like, but you kind of…
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  • What nonsense. You can find a variety of polling information on immigration reform here, and none of it supports your…
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  • Well, you can talk about insulting people's intelligence, but it remains the case that there is a fundamental knowledge problem…
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  • I wouldn't go quite that far. Voting rights are seriously threatened in this country, but the game isn't over. For…
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  • I don't see what choice they Democrats have except to be the everybody party. They don't have to go out…
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  • I'm a bit surprised that more Democrats haven't been taking lessons from Bill de Blasio's resounding victory a year ago.…
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  • I don't think that's a minor point at all. Steve Benen brought this up yesterday: Yes, the president's weak poll…
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  • There's also a basic irony in having Andrew Jackson on a Federal Reserve note. Another one of his accomplishments was…
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  • I don't know, he does have go through his whole life being Darrell Issa. He must have done something pretty…
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  • Look, it's not like the Republicans are evil geniuses. They have infinitely too much money to throw around, and they…
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  • OK fine, mistakes upon mistakes. I could list plenty myself, but I think what's more important is the part about…
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  • Yep, and next comes the switch. Is the Republican Senate going to go straight for fetal personhood, or are they…
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  • And the water! How can you even think about fracking in California when drought conditions range from extreme to catastrophic…
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