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    The silver lining has to be that if the Republicans control both the House and the Senate, then they will…
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  • Yeah, well, Obama may have the worst midterms ever, but Abraham Lincoln lost seven states before he was even inaugurated.…
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  • Dear God, of course Galileo would recognize basic facts and reality. That's what he's famous for.
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  • Yes, there are a lot of reasons why it's over, starting with the fact that global carbon emissions are still…
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  • Certainly a Republican Senate will be a disaster, but I think at least some of the Nation's fears are overstated.…
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  • It's all in the demographics. It would be foolish to expect the Republican base to grow up and get a…
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  • The only thing we have to fear is not being afraid enough.
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  • I do wonder how many people take this latest round of fear mongering seriously. It's just such obvious nonsense when…
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  • Dang! Beat me to it!
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  • Yes, exactly. It's partly a combination of overly restrictive term limits and too many ballot initiatives that has made California's…
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  • Well, not exactly, but there is a reason for this fascination with dead rock stars. What it comes down to…
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  • You can't have fascism without fascists. Not saying we don't have fascists here, of course, but there aren't enough of…
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  • OK, how does it make sense to be saying, at the same time: The course doesn't say enough about Martin…
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  • I find Robert Stacy McCain irritating myself. I'm not going to punch him, but I assume he wouldn't mind.
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  • I was going to read the linked article, but then I saw the word "Benghazi." My eyes started to glaze…
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  • There's a lot of stuff that you have to look at besides Mary Boykin Chesnutt. In the 1850s the fight…
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  • The one thing you can be sure if is that if you don't try, you will definitely fail.
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  • Perhaps, but they would have to be young white males who don't give a shit about climate change, reproductive rights,…
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  • Then again, if his job is to paralyze the government, he's pretty good at that. Boehner himself is the one…
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  • If only it were that simple. If your phone has GPS, that Location setting probably turns GPS tracking on and…
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