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    This is a surprise? A cell phone is necessarily broadcasting and receiving signals all the time. Of course you can…
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  • I kind of wonder if Rand Paul hasn't destroyed his chances already. There's all this stuff lurking in the background…
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  • "We're living through a libertarian moment"? Fuck that. Look at this nonsense: No, libertarianism hasn't consistently changed how Americans think…
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  • All the pro-life feminists and all the free market hippies will flock to his banner.
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  • But counting the number of laws enacted and harping on gridlock in Washington doesn't inform or educate... It would be…
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  • Well, but you're not really engaging Ms. McArdle on the counterfactual ground that she's staked out. For her argument to…
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  • Nice gyrations, but you're no better at reconciling His Awesomeness's blatant contradictions than he is. Even if you want to…
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  • Speaking of Rand Paul, and since you know everything, I have a question for you. If we were to repeal…
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  • I always enjoy your "sorry to say this" schtick, by the way. Letting us poor brainwashed dupes in on the…
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  • How exactly did you become the spokesperson for the entire country? I know I didn't vote for you.
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  • Who exactly is going to turn against Obama just now, after five years in office, over something so trivial? There…
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  • Especially when you're talking about politics, there's one critical fact that we should never lose sight of. We really do…
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  • It's kind of weird to read this post just below an ad for Russian mail order brides. Has anyone else…
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  • Ah yes, good old right-wing Hollywood bashing. Somehow the blessed and beneficent Market turns into a sewer of decadence and…
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  • Yes, Steve Baldwin does appear to be insane: We would also need a stable of respected national conservative leaders such…
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  • The one qualification I would make is that the racism is one aspect of a more general xenophobia. That's easy…
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  • For no other reason? I like watching Republican heads explode too, but there's also the fact that we desperately need…
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  • Sure, but why can't we reform our tax policies? Same reason we can't do anything about climate change. Defeat climate…
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  • Perhaps, but a basic problem the Republicans have right now is that they have to figure out how to motivate…
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  • These people would burn down the Library of Congress, wouldn't they? It would actually be in their interest if the…
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