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    One of my favorites is that he's not a real American and also he's too obsessed with the NCAA basketball…
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  • And meanwhile they're refusing to do anything about climate change, immigration, gun violence, the economy, and pretty much everything else.
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  • It depends. Best case would be that impeachment costs the Republicans the House. That be the end of the impeachment,…
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  • Well, the other main fallacy is to talk as if the Founders, collectively, speak with one voice. The people who…
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  • When your propaganda is this shameless, I don't think you're winning.
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  • I'm more interested in a progressive Congress at this point than a progressive President. If the next President is a…
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  • Yeah, well, good luck with that. I'd say we've had enough anti-Roosevelts already.
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  • All right, fine. I meant no disrespect to Adolph Reed, Jr. This isn't about Adolph Reed, Jr., and it isn't…
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  • Hang on now, I'm not saying FDR was no FDR. My only point in quoting that was to show how…
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  • Oh please. FDR wouldn't have been the FDR of this century if he had to deal with the Republicans of…
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  • Really? You're still pimping for that asshole? Did you see his column on Israel in the National Review? I thought…
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  • Yes, that's why it's so bizarre that Fournier wants to blame both parties for our broken political system. Only one…
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  • Giving it to Obama was just weird. At the time, he hadn't been in office long enough to establish a…
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  • Good God, this goes deeper than I thought. You know who else won a Nobel Peace Prize? Martin Luther King!…
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  • Ellmers's comments aren't the only gems in that article. Consider Charmaine Yoest: Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life also…
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  • Well, this is one of the reasons to study history. You can point to things a lot further back than…
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  • Laziness isn't an issue if they follow the New York Times approach--just let your pundits write whatever they want, and…
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  • Seriously? This is what you believe? Really the main trouble we're having with our pluralistic society right now is the…
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  • It would appear that you wish to assert that a pluralistic society cannot long survive, period. That would be a…
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  • Absolutely. But don't forget Article I, section 2.
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