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    Steve Benen has a good summary: In practical terms, the policy name is a bit of misnomer - there is…
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  • It's also weird because Republican healthcare proposals inevitably involve tort reform.
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  • Is it possible that the wingnut bubble is so tight that  they've convinced themselves that impeachment is obvious without actually…
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  • Well, yeah. Most people in California aren't xenophobic about the Spanish language either. Nor do most people in California favor…
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  • Nope, the solution would be precisely the same if they were Canadian kids: Send a bunch of guns to Alberta…
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  • Admittedly, flooding Mexico with guns would probably be cheaper than giving refuge to 57,000 children, but it wouldn't be free.…
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  • What nonsense. It's true that the anti-immigrant folks are agitated by other concerns besides racism, but it's ridiculous to pretend…
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  • On a somewhat less serious note, how did the US hold Germany to one goal? Does this mean we have…
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  • How about this? You've made three comments in this particular thread. Can you point to anything in any of them…
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  • At any rate, it is established that Money is way too powerful in this country, but not that it's invincible.…
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  • That's a good idea. The Republicans do seem awfully determined to throttle the federal government, so we might as well…
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  • There are serious allegations of voter fraud. And the first person to bring us one gets a prize.
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  • That's a good point. After all, nothing in all of recorded history has ever gotten better. Things started out shitty…
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  • This is awesome. David Leonhardt writes this sentence: Think Alex P. Keaton, the conservative child of hippies from the 1980s…
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  • Christ, I hadn't seen Rand Paul's op-ed about Israel and the Palestinians in the National Review until this morning. I…
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  • OK, I stand corrected. He does seem to want to start a war. Just look at this recent picture of…
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  • Oh come on. If he'd wanted to shoot missiles at Syria he would have done it. He had Republicans demanding…
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  • Just because Obama has mostly held back doesn't mean he won't pull the trigger in the future.  He seems to…
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  • Yes, that makes sense. Even from the perspective of throwing red meat to the barbarians, though, it doesn't seem like…
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  • I am trying to open well-meaning minds to the possibility that they are not OK. Arthur, here's why you're an…
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