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    What a eunuch. If you're the Speaker of the House, you don't sue the President. You fucking impeach him.
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  • What nonsense. If you want to prove that Civil Rights did no good, you would have to consider what things…
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  • There's a pretty strong case to be made that the fundamental purpose of our current federal government is precisely to…
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  • What's especially funny is that someone whose main hobby is typing WTFU is so blindly devoted to such a transparent…
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  • Yes, pay no attention to the man in the Confederate flag mask. We know Rand Paul isn't a racist because…
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  • And who can forget his other smash hit, "A Drone With Their Name on it"?
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  • Oh, one other thing I'm curious about. How is Rand Paul going to convince a popular majority to Wake the…
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  • Dude, the Pauls are the white supremacist Republican minority. I know you're not a racist, so it's strange that you're…
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  • Yes, the only benefit that could conceivably come from a fully Republican Congress would be a crushing Democratic victory in…
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  • And cue the obligatory statement of cynicism and despair.
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  • "Moonbeam Jerry." How original. Thus Arthur Gilroy wins yet another Arthur Gilroy Certificate of Merit for typing some words that…
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  • Clinton? What does she have to do with this? No, my plan has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. As…
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  • Oh, by the way, we are working on high speed rail in California. It's even an issue in the gubernatorial…
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  • That's awesome. Climate change is real, but fuck it. Let's gut the EPA, build Keystone XL, and frack the fuck…
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  • No, seriously. What about climate change? I've tried to ask you about that before, but maybe you didn't see it.…
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  • By the way, what the hell are you talking about? Everyone should take responsibility for their choices? That's precisely why…
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  • Right. So stores can interfere in their employees' personal lives, but they can't keep guns out. This is called freedom.
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  • Oh, so that's what it is. The Republicans in Georgia passed their open carry law because they're mad about the…
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  • It's also worth noting that the whole concept of consequential or consequence free sex is 100% strictly, purely, and entirely…
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  • Good God, and I was just wondering if there's anybody who actually thinks that the world is underpopulated at this…
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