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    Maybe it's all part of an elaborate scam. I see that CNBC's global headquarters is in Englewood Cliffs, NJ, very…
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  • "He's just mean," House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) said Wednesday, confirming his plans to go tell Mom. "It's not our…
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  • He's so worried about the Constitution, he should try reading it: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and…
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  • Let's see, we have a steady increase in average global temperatures going back over several decades, which correlates with a…
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  • Are you serious? Nobody made that up, but somebody cherry-picked it, and is trying to use it in a totally…
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  • Fraud is putting it mildly, considering how much more is at stake here than property values in the Outer Banks…
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  • Ramesh Ponnuru should remember that MLK quote that Obama is fond of quoting: The moral arc of history is long,…
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  • That's also true of the Boehner Congress, but that's not the point. Yes, these people are damaging the institutional authority…
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  • ??? Most people who run for president don't get elected. Howard Dean is one of those. What does that prove…
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  • I find the Tenthers fascinating. They're so smug and sure of themselves, and yet their arguments are transparent nonsense. You…
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  • Maybe, but it wouldn't be the United States anymore. You're basically talking about scrapping the Constitution, and I don't see…
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  • That's easy enough to say, but it isn't going to happen. I don't think it's true, anyway. The US Congress…
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  • Well, I'm not saying how realistic it is, just that it's not inconceivable. And also, of course, that the solution…
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  • I'm not sure how I would answer that. I have no confidence in this congress, of course--or actually, I have…
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  • Oh no! Dan Snyder is being Sterlinged! When will it end?
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  • Theodore Roosevelt: Is there any law that will prevent me from declaring Pelican Island a federal bird reservation? Aide: No,…
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  • What is your point? Mine is that Confederate propaganda included a lot of appeals to tribalism, where the Sunny South…
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  • Not until 1862. The first year of the war, it was all volunteers.
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  • If you maintain your position as a supporter of the DemRat wing of the Permanent Government UniParty, you are as…
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  • That's true. It actually was a factor in our Civil War, too. How do you convince non-slave owning white people…
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