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    In short, I don't buy the argument that multi-cultural states never achieve democracy and always end in grief. Where are…
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  • Wait a minute. If you're on strike, what the fuck are you doing on the internet?
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  • I wouldn't worry about it. Really they borrowed some science. There's really nothing secret about these techniques, what's important is…
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  • That's right, I've seen those arguments. If it wasn't for the abortion holocaust we'd have X million more people, so…
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  • Actually, there are two issues on which they do want positive government action: Abortion Immigration (i.e., deportations) And that's even…
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  • I suppose, but I think what's most important is that a fetal personhood amendment would foreclose the whole debate. It…
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  • Yes, it all sounds great until you try to put a name on "someone who can justifiably make the claim…
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  • And of course, if Trammell wins the election, the putsch won't have done the xenophobic cause any good.
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  • Fuck that. We've spent so much of our history fighting over who "our own" is. Are black people our own?…
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  • Why don't you care about climate change? Are you a denier too?
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  • Yes, poor, poor Donald Sterling. All he gets is $2 billion, and he doesn't even get to keep every single…
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  • That's just the sort of dinner party that Thomas Jefferson enjoyed.
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  • Yes, I remember this one. A classic. Always worth reposting.
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  • It even more closely resembles the fascism of John C. Calhoun and Jefferson Davis.
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  • You're missing the whole point. There is in fact one thing that could conceivably happen that would make a gigantic…
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  • It's tricky. As far as doing anything at all, the plan is awesome. But as a plan, it really is…
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  • Well, it's worth noting that Bush's base abandoned him i the end. Remember how they decided he wasn't a real…
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  • How about thinking about how much better it would have been if the drunken racist asshole wasn't armed? To me…
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  • It would create a lot of jobs, too.
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  • You know, I haven't heard any stories myself of school children rebelling over whole wheat tortillas. Maybe I don't know…
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