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    Yeah, and then the Russians and Chinese will realize that they don't have to do cyber-espionage anymore if we aren't…
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  • And you swallow it all like obedient little children swallowing their media-supplied meds. I'm curious. What media are you referring…
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  • Well, no. The point isn't that government officials who break the law shouldn't be held accountable. As BooMan noted himself,…
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  • The problem with the all-white people strategy has always been that white people are not a monolithic bloc. And in…
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  • The Republicans' only tool is a sledgehammer. With the exception of border security, I don't think there's a single problem…
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  • Not to mention, he has 11 world cup goals to Donovan's 5. That's the problem with being the greatest soccer…
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  • A lot of what could be called reparations is stuff we should be doing anyway. I mean, we should be…
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  • Seriously, though, you missed the point of my link. It was tried. You know who else besides Ron Paul thought…
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  • Wow, so you're even willing to defend that. You really are dense.
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  • Dude, this was something you posted yourself the other day. Ron Paul was being interviewed by Tim Russert, and he…
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  • So if Ron Paul isn't a racist, why does he want to whitewash the Confederacy?
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  • The thing is, this kind of grandstanding is all part of his hypocrisy. And yes, even on the subject of…
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  • An ego trip, yes. But not a filibuster.
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  • Speaking of the new poster boy for Republican minority outreach, does anyone know if Rand Paul still wants to reinstate…
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  • Coppins is too kind. Indeed, the GOP has had an uneven record in tamping down its bigot eruptions. They're in…
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  • I have an idea, let's talk about what I actually said. I didn't say the Internal Revenue Code is perfect…
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  • That's funny, he doesn't seem to have read any part of the Wikipedia article except what he bolded. Because it…
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  • The retail price of gasoline and Weimar Germany? You actually think you're proving something here? You're not totally wrong about…
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  • If she was an even better capitalist she would endorse slavery. That way you don't have the pay the workers…
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  • That's a good way of putting it. And what I keep noticing is that Capitalists usually have no idea how…
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