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    I don't know about Harry Reid, but I don't think Charles Koch is doing himself any favors by writing whiny…
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  • Sure, but that's a different situation. Convincing people to get inoculated against a horrible disease is one thing, but any…
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  • We don't ask politicians or journalists or paid flacks or the man on the street to figure out how to…
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  • Paul's argument about the Civil War isn't just questionable, it's downright moronic. I don't know why he feels the need…
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  • What kind of nonsense is this? The article announces that the Democrats are missing Romney, and then in support of…
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  • He's even bad at being bad at his job. From the Tea Party point of view, his crime is that…
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  • Good God, this isn't their education, it's the commencement address. Of course a college education should challenge your beliefs, expose…
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  • Yes, talk about a bunch of dunces. If our benevolent overlords the Job Creators were really as smart as they're…
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  • I wouldn't even ask him for research and documentation, because that just lets him point to some garbage like the…
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  • I also like the part about Brat sitting in the rarified environs of academia. I think Brat would probably agree…
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  • That's a good point. If you have nothing to say, you can always type "PermaGov" a few times and then…
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  • How about abortion? There is a real and genuine and very obvious difference between the parties there. Go ahead and…
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  • It's a pretty straightforward application of the golden rule, really. The bigot's offense against polite society is that he would…
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  • Oh come on, have you taken a vow of unintelligibility, or what? Maybe you never took composition, but if you're…
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  • I think you're missing the point. Of course they'll keep screaming, but it does make a difference whether they control…
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  • "Watch"? Watch what exactly? Rand Paul riding to the rescue on a shining white horse? I guess it's hard to…
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  • Yes, that's a possibility. The right tends to benefit when people are disengaged from politics. Although if you think about…
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  • Wait, you mean university students and administrators have free speech rights too? I thought those were only for bigots and…
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  • It isn't so much Ayatollah Roy Moore claiming that the First Amendment doesn't really mean what it says. That's plenty…
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  • Or you could do the Hare Krishna chant, with plenty of drums and bells. Or better yet, "Hail Satan!"
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