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    Not to mention, that Ron Paul quote isn't actually very encouraging. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the…
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  • In fact, Rand Paul is very implicit about his take on racism, because you could spend all day unpacking the…
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  • I'm honored.
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  • Hmm, yes, I see what you mean. There is a bit more to it than I was saying. Still, I…
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  • Yes, I've noticed that too. And not just about race, because if you look at things like the Hobby Lobby…
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  • Well, if you're saying the Founders' idea was that the states would be defending themselves against the federal army, that…
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  • Oh boo hoo, so Brendan Eich doesn't get to be CEO of Mozilla. If he was barred from marrying the…
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  • You can do a pretty simple calculation in California. Non-Latino whites make up 39% of the population, and Tim Donnelly's…
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  • I think my favorite part of his comments is how it wasn't the federal government that ended slavery, it was…
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  • And what about the free market? No corporation has any right to our patronage, they have to earn it. And…
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  • Well, I think that's what we mean by "bed-wetting" in this case. In this case, at least, it comes down…
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  • In fact--and this is really the point--the mere spectacle of so many prominent liberals wetting themselves clearly helped focus minds…
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  • Oh, I'm sure we would have. I was thinking of Mexico because this was when Napoleon III took advantage of…
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  • I agree. It's not as if the United States and the CSA could have lived side by side in peace.…
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  • Good God, the whole point of buying insurance is that you are NOT self-sufficient. It's inherently a relationship of dependency--if…
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  • But remember, it's only judicial activism if you don't like the verdict.
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  • All I can say is that Barack Obama is a lousy tyrant. We were promised death panels, and this is…
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  • Exactly. Underneath all the rhetoric, what's at stake is the employer's right to withhold part of the employee's  compensation if…
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  • Huh, that's odd. I remember when criticizing the Commander in Chief was treason. That must have changed at some point.
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  • I would say this is the key: I think it's reasonable for him implore people to seek an education, but…
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