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    Yeah, he could be clearer about what he's saying, but I think I see his point. There's something that he…
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  • Here's an image for you: Rand Paul's good buddy the Southern Avenger. I mean, seriously, do you have any idea…
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  • Yes, and meanwhile Rand Paul wants to make it his damn business what women do with their uteruses. What really…
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  • We have to do something. Blowing shit up is something. Therefore we have to blow shit up.
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  • I've been reading about the Progressive Era lately myself, and one thing I learned was that Theodore Roosevelt explicitly called…
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  • I'm still trying to figure out where the jobs and mentors are supposed to come from. It appears that government…
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  • A lot of this goes back to the distinction between capitalism and speculation, which our modern champions of the free…
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  • Hell, there shouldn't even be a for-profit college "industry." There's just no way you can siphon off funds in the…
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  • I'm willing to believe him, actually. No doubt a lot of conservative voters are driven by racism, but I think…
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  • That's a good point. Not to mention, David Jolly will be a voting member of the House Republican caucus in…
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  • I enjoyed Alex Pareene's comments. He does a great job showing how little Bill O'Reilly knows about Abraham Lincoln.
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  • Gore - Nader = Bush (I voted for Nader myself, mind you, but I learned my lesson.)
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  • Also, saying you support the ACA can mean as many different things as saying you oppose it. How many of…
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  • It's too bad these people hate liberals so much. If they really wanted to do something about tax breaks for…
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  • Definitely. We're giving your money back to you! Or another way you could put it: Why should only banks and…
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  • That's interesting. I was reading about the free silver thing in the 1890s not long ago, and this helps me…
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  • I've read that McCain's idol is Theodore Roosevelt, which is strange because this whole "Speak softly but carry a big…
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  • It's hard for me to envision state-run pot stores, but maybe it's possible. Well, just envision a medical cannabis dispensary.…
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  • But it also has no place in the modern world as far as I'm concerned. Exactly. Why should anyone recognize…
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  • I suspect the 20% Arab population is precisely who they aren't forgetting. I believe the Arab population is growing at…
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