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    I know how it infuriates many of you here to praise the Pauls, but I don't care. Actually it doesn't…
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  • That must have been quite a thing to see. How many people are in the BLM movement anyway? To think…
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  • Fair enough, but I hope you're also going to factor in the rather crucial point that cervants made: White men…
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  • We have to recognize that the Democratic Party is the party of people of color and white people, unless they…
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  • Getting right with the international community! Hey, there's something that Netanyahu could try. If no one gives a shit what…
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  • What we're talking about here, though, is a limited data set. Thank you! That's the fundamental problem with any and…
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  • It's interesting what happens when you bring ISIS into the discussion. I was trying to determine if all these people…
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  • Yes, it is rather important that Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China are parties to the agreement as well. This…
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  • It's a glib and shallow argument from a reasonably clever young man. Of course, the glibness merely fills me with…
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  • I was actually impressed that he provided any examples at all of this avalanche of speech totalitarianism that he's talking…
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  • That may explain why the reaction to police killing is more visceral, more immediate, but the deaths from climate change…
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  • I'd like to know what kind of planning goes into an action like this. Did BLM reach out in any…
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  • OK, now suppose climate activists start crashing BLM events. Here we see them heckling Hillary Clinton, and I would have…
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  • Giordano's kind of a dick, though, isn't he? I mean, I suppose I do live in a white college educated…
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  • Yes, I was going to say that you're not going to delegitimize the clown car by driving up in a…
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  • You'd really need to quantify it first. How many men are into controlling women? Has the number grown? I've mostly…
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  • Who are you talking about? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't see a lot of that on this…
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  • Yes, I see what you mean. I found an amusing item at Media Matters. Erick Erickson would love nothing more…
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  • Yeah, I read it. You know, quoting someone else's words is not the best way to convince me that your…
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  • I've been trying to figure out what his ceiling is too, and I'm sure it's higher than 25%. For instance,…
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